Elon Musk whines Biden didn't congratulate him for all-civilian SpaceX (...)

20 septembre 2021 | Sarah K. Burris
President Joe Biden is dealing with a humanitarian crisis in Haiti, rescuing the final U.S. citizens in Afghanistan, an increasing COVID-19 crisis in red-states refusing to wear masks or promote vaccines, pushing an infrastructure package, hospitals being forced to ration care, a budget (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

'Very low energy' : Onlookers say Trump's courthouse rant made him 'sound 150 years old'
Ronna McDaniel was able to squeeze more than $100K from the RNC before she was forced out
FBI concealed that one of Trump's foes was being stalked : report
Conservative judge scolds SCOTUS for missing the 'only question' on Trump that matters