The Conversation (Africa)

The Conversation (Africa)

The Conversation – Africa

What is the purpose of The Conversation ?

We believe a well functioning democracy requires an equally well informed citizenry. So our mission is simple : to provide you with a reliable source of high quality, evidence-based information.

Derniers articles 

Gum arabic from Africa’s acacia trees in the Sahel is used in hundreds of products : what’s worth knowing
Uganda’s tax system isn’t bringing in enough revenue, but is targeting small business the answer ?
How the Mandela myth helped win the battle for democracy in South Africa
Owning a gun in South Africa offers some safety, but risks run high for users and society – expert
Talking to teens about sex : advice for parents on when, how, what to say and why it’s so important
Margaret Busby : how a pioneering Ghanaian publisher put African women’s writing on the map

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