Conservative highlights 'useful political issue for Democrats' that (...)

28 mars 2024 | M.L. Nestel
There's something rotten in MAGA country: some supporters are being scammed into donating funds beyond a one-time offering to bankroll former President Donald Trump's legal efforts. Tim Miller, the former communications director for the Jeb Bush's 2016 campaign, appeared on MSNBC's "Alex (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

GOP elections board member refuses to certify Georgia primary results
Speaker Mike Johnson : Marjorie Taylor Greene turned me into a 'mental health counselor'
'Cheap gimmick' : Legal expert pans hush money prosecutor's closing argument theatrics
'Greatest case !' Trump spews strange word salad as hush money trial arguments close
'Painful but necessary' : Expert says Trump trial closing arguments had to be thorough
'Bad look' : Ex-prosecutor says Trump lawyers are preparing for hush money conviction