Progressive Voices

Progressive Voices

Progressive Voices

« Progressive Voices (formerly the SPEAKERS CLEARINGHOUSE) is dedicated to promoting the diverse voices with ideas and solutions critically needed in our global community today. As a public service, we provide access to independent media and to analysts and activists addressing the vital issues of economic, environmental and social justice. »

Member of the National Association of Campus Activities (NACA)

Derniers articles 

U.S. Culpability in the Failure of Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks By Stephen Zunes
New Whistleblower Organization Launched on Anniversary of Snowden Revelations
New Whistleblower Organization Launched on Anniversary of Snowden Revelations
Memo to Potential Whistleblowers : If You See Something, Say Something By Norman Solomon
Rand Paul to Filibuster Pro-Drone Lawyer’s Judgeship
Video clips of featured members

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