'They don't care !' Morning Joe mocks GOP for risking majority with (...)

9 mai 2024 | Travis Gettys
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) failed in her leadership challenge against House Speaker Mike Johnson, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said she and other hard-right Republicans genuinely don't care whether they're in the majority. Many hardline conservatives represent heavily gerrymandered (...)
 Site référencé:  Raw Story

Raw Story 

'I don't see it' : Trump lawyer admits Supreme Court won't step in to save ex-president
Trump 'begging' for jail by taking 'flame thrower to the judge and jury' : James Comey
More than 1,000 appeals court complaints seek Judge Cannon's removal from Trump case
'Cause his enemies to stumble' : Trump posts prayer as he awaits sentencing from conviction
Florida teens tied to ‘2119’ neo-Nazi gang to plead guilty for antisemitic attacks
Key Trump trial witness worries ex-president would sell national secrets 'behind bars'